
By mTm Advisors 

This is part five in a five-part series. Read part one here.  

I want to share a blog I wrote earlier this year. In the blog, I tie together quotes from St. Augustine’s book City of God and my theory of what is happening in today’s world. 

Let the poor court the rich 

“Let the poor court the rich for a living; and that under their protection they may enjoy a sluggish tranquility; and let the rich abuse the poor as their dependents, to minister to their pride. Let the people applaud not those who protect their interest, but those who provide them with pleasure.” 

Our society today lives in a game they don’t know about. Back in 1982, John Maynard Smith wrote about game theory and evolution. Game theory was developed to analyze economic behavior, but Smith modified it so that it can be applied to evolving populations. 

His concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy is relevant whenever the best thing for an animal or plant to do depends on what others are doing. The theory leads to testable predictions about the evolution of behavior, sex and genetic systems, and growth and life history patterns. 

In game theory, our new “survival mechanism” is a high-time preference form of living. This means more consumption, random decision-making, and false hope on institutional thought. This lifestyle delivers a mediocre life and a shorter life span. 

Then there’s low-time preference forms of living meaning less consumption and intentional decision-making. This will lead to a longer life span. But it won’t be easy. It will require critical thinking that most people don’t realize they need to develop. 

“Let the people applaud not those who protect their interest, but those who provide them with pleasure. Let no severe duty be commanded, no impurity forbidden.” 

As we create data with every step we take, tech companies profile us in a way that has never been achieved before. Much of the data mining and analysis is done on a personal level, i.e., creating an online profile. This leads to your purchasing and behavioral identity habits being formed just for you. 

It is believed that some of the AI algorithms being used to collect data are front running any decision-making abilities of the engineers and scientists that created them. The smart grid you are participating in has created a cloud around you. 

We’re going to talk about one aspect of this smart grid: our food consumption in the United States. It’s apparent and often censored that we’re in the worst health crisis the world has ever seen, and it has many afflictions. These include obesity, diabetes, and heart disease to name a few. Each one of these health issues is created by food consumption purchased from the Global Industrial Food Complex. 

Our food is killing us, and it’s being done with world-class marketing with expert data mining and analysis. Our government, global corporations, and investment firms are designing this form of game theory. You are being profiled by your food consumption and your desire to search for taste, convenience, and comfort. You are a game character. 

“Let kings estimate their prosperity, not by the righteousness, but by the servility of their subjects. Let the provinces stand loyal to the kings, not as moral guides, but as lords of their possessions and purveyors of their pleasures; not with a hearty reverence, but a crooked and servile fear.” 

As we try to survive, the new survival guide relies on mass consumption of processed and nutrient weak food. Additionally, it relies on a pharmaceutical industry pumping out medicines that create addiction rather than cure what ails you. 

With this high-time preference form of living, our health industry has become reactive rather than proactive. We’re continuously placing band-aids on our appetites and our physical, emotional, and mental health. 

If that wasn’t enough, our food laws and regulations are designed to be deceptive and misleading. As we yearn to rise above the madness of the world, we become a realm of pleasure engineered in a way that has created a shield of self-indulgence and sabotage. 

“Let the laws take cognizance rather of the injury done to another man’s property, than of that done to one’s own person. If a man be a nuisance to his neighbor, or injure his property, family, or person, let him be actionable; but in his own affairs let everyone with impunity do what he will in company with his own family, and with those who willingly join him.” 

As we’ve moved into the digital and virtual world, we’ve willingly inserted a form of surveillance into our personal property. We’ve not injected it like a microchip, but we carry it everywhere. It’s the first item we touch in the morning and the last thought before we go to bed. We take it with us to the bathroom and the dinner table. We can even purchase one that can be used while we’re submerged in water. 

Our smartphones are transmitting who we are every second of every day. It creates a profile about us that knows us better than we know ourselves. It is a pleasure addiction that delivers mass amounts of emotions, thoughts, and actionable behaviors. 

Most of them were designed in an engineering lab in Silicon Valley, Chinese labs, and the United States Intelligence apparatus. Not only do we have these pocket trackers, but we’ve also designed our homes to be broadcast networks of our personal lives. This lifestyle has allowed us to drown out our suffering and give us a false sense of empowerment and luxury. Once again, all in the name of convenience and comfort. 

What a wonderful web that keeps us secure and warm and, above all, well fed. This is our world, where famine kills millions each year because of our centralized, corporate, and government greed. 

“Let there be a plentiful supply of public prostitutes for everyone who wishes to use them, but especially for those who are too poor to keep one for their private use. Let there be erected houses of the largest and most ornate description; in these let there be provided the most sumptuous banquets, where everyone who pleases may, by day or night, play, drink, vomit, dissipate. Let there be everywhere heard the rustling of dancers, the loud, immodest laughter of the theatre; let a succession of the most cruel and the most voluptuous pleasures maintain a perpetual excitement.” 

But we now as a society are not allowed to say anything. We’re told to follow along, to not disrespect people being misled by this system. There’s no angle to use to inform others of an issue. You are a game character in a game you didn’t choose to play. You were snatched out of your current reality and led down a path that has created a false reality. 

There is no question that there is an issue in our society. We’re still navigating through the Covid narrative and we’re taking a deep breath for the most part. This isn’t over, it’ll just continue in ways you don’t realize. 

But there is a way to approach all of this. It is called critical thinking and formulating a decentralized thought process. All you have to do is take a step back and find your truth. It is time to get agitated for the right reasons. It is time to fight for your mind and your body and your eternal spirit. 

mTm Initiative was created to battle this form of evil and modern-day slavery. We’re moving forward in a way most people can’t understand. I can say this much, we are laying a foundation of truth and providing a new beacon of light. We are decentralized and we have an amazing set of tools and mindsets. There is a new talent stack and brain trust, and we are incubating a new way to live in freedom, integrity, and sovereignty. Look inside and dive a little deeper if you care to know more. 

“Let them be worshipped as they wish; let them demand whatever games they please, from or with their own worshippers; only let them ensure that such felicity be not imperiled by foe, plague, or disaster of any kind.” 

To seek truth requires one to ask the right questions. Too many people never ask about anything because their ego and arrogance prevent them from doing so. If the mind is in the way, the heart will not see anything. Strategy, Future Analysis, and Inner Engineering should be your new game theory. 

In Closing 

On September 17th, 2021, the Global Food Security and Sustainability Summit was held.  

Its key marketing signal is “Working towards a safe future global food system.” But make no mistake about it, this has nothing to do with your health. As our world goes into a paradigm shift of awareness, fear, and confusion, the biggest form of deception is within the harvest of the seeds that sustain our existence on this planet. 

They are not the same seeds your ancestors cultivated, and they are not being used for the same purpose. In truth, they’ve become a mechanism of addiction and dependency. Our health crisis proves this with zero doubts. The food is not the product anymore. You are! 

The food cartels in line with other global corporations have a plan that they’re moving forward with at lightning speed. It is called Stakeholder Capitalism, which in turn will be designing Human Capital Bond Markets. Once these markets have been created, they will then engineer new Hedge Funds and you will be placed into a certain hedge fund based on your consumption of food and daily content. 

You will be known better by the food cartel then you know yourself. You are a willing participant in this chess game. It is time you quit playing checkers and learn how to play chess as well. 

I do not write any of this to judge people. All my work and the research of my team comes from a foundation of truth and compassion. I have people in my own family who suffer from diabetes, obesity, and hypertension to name a few. I live a very intentional life of awareness that allows me to make informed decisions. I protect my consumption habits with my life because I know it is a matter of life and death. 

My research in this area was not intentional though. I somewhat fell into it. The deeper I began to understand the macro picture of food consumption worldwide, the more I wanted to know. It is now my responsibility to spread the word. I understand what cognitive dissonance is. Do not let it destroy your mind, body, and spirit anymore. Be ok with living in truth. It will empower you and allow you to become or maintain the person God intended you to be. 

Ok, now what to do? 

What you can do

Eliminate canola, vegetable, and seed oils out of your diet. Then monitor your consumption of soy and GMO-based foods. 

Cut down on your sugar intake as much as possible and completely erase high fructose corn syrup out of your life. 

Increase the consumption of animal protein and turn the food pyramid upside down. Personally, I do an intermittent fast each day. My usual average consistency is 18/6. This means I have a six-hour window in which I stack my nutrition. The other 18 hours are spent working, drinking water, exercising, and other lifestyle choices that keep me strong and growing. 

I cook with a cast iron skillet and every meal takes less than 15 minutes and is far better than any restaurant I used to frequent. Food intelligence is not complicated, especially after you begin to understand the engineering and marketing behind the Industrial Food Complex and its intentions. 

I would like to provide you with some links to reputable doctors, nutrition experts, regenerative biologists, fitness gurus, nurse practitioners, and societal watch dogs. Each one of them is based and their professions are about one thing; allowing you to make choices that provide an individual with sovereignty and peace of mind that leads to empowerment. Check them out on twitter: 

@_CynthiaThurlow, @ifixhearts, @bend77, @untappedgrowth,  @TimWabach, @LaserHodl, @AJA_Cortes, @Mangan150, @MicaelStanwyck

I have no affiliation with any of these people. They are a good tool to help you break the algorithm that is controlling you in ways you don’t quite understand. 

This first report was a broad and general outline to give you an understanding of the history, the current actions taking place, and where our food is going. Our next report will revolve more around the current actions taking place with the global food summits, their plans, and the introduction of nano and biometric technology being used on both your food and water supply. 

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people. Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” 

It starts with the seeds. Now ask yourself, who controls you? 

Start understanding what centralization is and how decentralizing your life is your best move. Find ways to quit being dependent on the system that wants you obese, lazy, and stupid. 

If you have any feedback or questions, you can reach me on my Twitter, @moderntman.

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